Thursday, November 19, 2009

Neck Surgery

Well, it finally happened... I (Courtney) had neck surgery on the C5/C6 level in my neck on November 4th to fix all the pain I was having from the herniated discs. It was a long time coming, as the pain begin in April of this year. Yesterday was the 2 week follow up with the surgeon, and what a blessing it was to hear that the incision is healing very well, and I can slowly stop wearing the neck brace!

A big thank you to my husband Scott and our families for taking such great care of me before and after the surgery! Hopefully I'll be back to work and back to our life soon!


  1. So glad that things sound like they are going in the right direction. We need to get together again soon, it was so great seeing you all last weekend. So glad you are blogging!!

  2. Yay!!! Glad to hear some positive news. It has been a long time coming. Look out life, Courtney is coming back!!! Love ya girl!
